Thursday 22 March 2012

Torche Harmonicraft-Review

I am delighted to be able to bring you my thoughts on Torche's latest album. Its now somewhat unbelievably been four years since "Meanderthal" ripped through the heavy music world . Since then we've had a few split releases and the "Songs for Singles" Ep, all excellent editions but forever held up and compared to Meandrathral .

Torche have returned now though with their first full album since that classic and while some thought "Meanderthal" may not ever be matched "Harmonicraft" is here to devastate that theory.
What Torche have crafted is both arguably better than their previous classic and also probably the Album Of the Year.
Honestly 2012 has produced some killer releases already, Harmonicraft beats them all hands down. Everyone else the stakes have been raised, bar set this is what you have to beat.

I could go on for hours dissecting each track, praising the combinations of power and melody listing each riff or moment of brilliance, putting claims forward for each track to be the best and so on. Its such a joyous experience listening to Harmonicraft however the time for in depth analysis can come later. The involuntary smile on your face,the countless hell yeahs uttered, the headbanging fist pumping joy these tracks bring are way more important than me pouring out adjective after adjective.

Harmonicraft is the natural progression of Torche's music everything I expected of this album I got in abundance, with a whole lot more thrown in for good measure.
Torche have always straddled the line between sludge riffery and sugar coated pop sensibility. At times here they mash the two together so perfectly it feels as if  rainbows will explode from your ears. I imagine the artist was inspired by the music, coming up with some kind of pokemon on LSD induced world for the album cover, its perfect for the magic that comes from listening to Harmonicraft.

My jaw hit the floor so many times during this album, the title track alone, the glorious slow burning opening off "Reverse Inverted" the riff assault of "Sky Trails" and "Walk It Off", as stated though far too many to list.
The recruitment of new guitarist, Andrew Elstner has added a further dimension of Phychadelic riffs and beefed up the attack again. "Songs for Singles" I felt missed the additional guitarist, not the case here as Steve Brooks and Andrew trade riffs and bounce off each other with stunning effect.
What we have is a re-energised Torche armed with a collection of songs that will make your head explode, bodily functions fail and fall in love with them for it.

Harmonicraft will be available from Volcom and your local Independent Store From April 24th. Get your calender marked for the day Torche change the game.

Volcom Entertainment
