Monday 7 October 2013

White Fire - Tomes

Tomes cover art

White Fire is a Sludge/Stoner Metal Band from St Louis, MO, USA

The members are:

Nate - Vocals/Guitar
Derek - Bass
Spencer - Drums

White Fire is a brilliant Sludge/Stoner Metal band that I have been rocking out to all this week. If your're a fan of High On Fire, Taint, Baroness and Mastodon then you seriously need to check out this awesome band right now.

Their debut album -Tomes - is a blistering debut of sublime loud heavy riffs from start to finish. First track - The Climb - is one hell of a powerful track. The Climb will show you what to expect for the next 35 minutes or so.

White Fire deliver a highly delicious deadly cocktail of insane riffs for you to rock out to. Post-Hardcore, Sludge and Stoner Metal combine for something dangerous and this album becomes better with each and every listen.

The band have written some excellent riffs that will appeal to metalheads. Vocalist Nate is one hell of a vocalist. He can scream with the best of them. I love how White Fire mix Post-hardcore vibes with faster brutal Sludge/Stoner Metal riffs but still make it so damn catchy. Check out excellent track Earthrend to see what I mean.

White Fire are unrelentless on this album. They play at such a fast pace I'm surprised the band don't stop for a rest themselves as the listener doesn't even get one second to catch their breath. So if you want an album that will seriously surprise you then Tomes is it. White Fire have delivered a brilliant debut album that will have you coming back for more.

Don't let this album pass you by as you will definitely regret it. Need more evidence to check them out. OK - Listen to Tree Of Woe. If you miss the heavier earlier days of Mastodon then this track will rock your world. Original. Maybe not. But damn you don't care when the riffs are spectacular as this.

The album has other brilliant tracks to check out - Singularity, Citadel and Wooden Idol.  Fuck it. All the tracks are excellent. Just headover to BandCamp and download this now as it's available on Buy Now Download.

If you feel like donating then you can buy a CD for $8. Though international orders maybe that little bit more expensive.

Tomes is a brilliant debut album from these hard-hitting riff maestros.

Awesome. An absolutely fantastic album. So check em out now!!!

Highly Recommended.

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